what is a relationship?
two people who promises to stay true to each other and not be with anyone else.be boyfriend and girlfriend.
what is an open relationship?
be boyfriend and girlfriend with exceptions.you're still together as a couple but its totally appropriate to screw around.
what is "just seeing each other" ?
the labels boyfriend and girlfriend are taboos.you're not together but you do things that people who are together do without the commitment and strings attached.
what is FWB / FB? {Friends With Benefits / F*ck Buddies}
two people who are either friends or acquaintances that can do things that couples do without any real emotion, communication and yada yada. (whatever else there is people are so fed up of to allow themselves to get so low)
what is Marriage?
a vow to God that you and your partner will be loyal to each other in sickness and health, good times and bad...yada yada.be husband and wife.
what is an Open Marriage?
a vow to God that you and your partner will...what? live together but its okay for either husband or wife to go out and screw someone else?
...what is an apple?
a fruit.
what is an Open apple?
a fruit.
i dont know what/how the modern world works. i dont know if "the modern woman" of today actually approve of being in these kinds of deteriorating situations. as a female, i can honestly say it doesnt matter what year i am born in, early 70's or late 90's i WANT a relationship thats only me and my partner.no exceptions - a real closed relationship. i want an apple thats whole.
what is a Boyfriend?
the male.whose more important and holds greater expectations compared to all the other guys out there.he is a person who is able to let you be who you are, let you be independent but will always assure you that he will be there to catch you if you ever fall.he is the person who walk through fire to make sure he's there and cheering you up when life gets you down.
he is there to shoo away people who poses you a threat. he is the one who forgets about his ego and cooks for you because your hungry.he is the one who spends 5$ to play a crummy game just so he can win you a soft toy at carnivals.he is the one who will love you and make you feel special.
what is a Girlfriend?
the female.who the boyfriend prioritizes more than anything else in his life.(with the exception of family) she is there by his side whenever she can, even if more than half the time she's quiet.she is the one who will let him talk loudly at her when in front of his friends and then erupts on him when they are alone. she is the one who sits down happily and waits for the boyfriend to bring her food.she is the one telling herself,"i'm the luckiest girl on earth" when the boyfriend buys her things,says something sweet or do small gestures that melts her heart.
she is the person who cant sleep at night when the boyfriend is sick, she is the one who might never cook but goes out of her way to make something healthy for the boyfriend.she is the one who spends half a day thinking about the boyfriend.she is the one either calling the boyfriend too often or waiting for him to call too often.shes the one laughing and nodding to jokes and stories the boyfriend tells but dont find it funny or amusing.she feels safer,loved and special.
"she feels safer,loved and special."
that's what a girlfriend SHOULD feel.thats why people get into relationships!to be able to say,"hes mine!" or "shes mine!" feel safe, loved for who they are without having to fight for it and at the end of it all, special because of everything the boyfriend does.
NOT - telling herself, "we're in an open relationship,so he can go do the same things with girls out there. i'm fine with it."
Bake Your Own Cake!
a relationship is NOT an obligation. you can go your whole life without being in a relationship and nobody will punish you so why do people make so many alternatives for a relationship? its like Going to School, people find alternatives like home schooling and e-education. thats fine because education is an obligation but remember! relationships are not. if you dont want what a relationship, then dont.
dont try getting yourself in "open relationships" or get FWBs just so you can have your cake and eat it too. if you want a cake, BAKE YOUR OWN! you want it sweet? put in more sugar. you want it bigger? add more eggs, more flour. if it burns? its only because you left it in the oven for too long and baking a cake isnt something people are successful at the first time around. you're gonna waste flour and a lot of time because you're first cake might taste horrible or it cant rise up into a real cake, it might be lopsided. one day, with persistence, you WILL succeed.
when you do,the feeling you get is so empowering. good things in life dont come easy.open relationships, FWBs, open marriages...their the things cowards do.the people who are bound to fail because they dont even try.so "modern people" of today, is that what you want? is that what you've become? because its a damn shame.