there's a book out there called -

"THE GAME: Penetrating the Secret Society of Pickup Artists" (by Neil Strauss)

Guys who have read this book usually turns into idiots; So keep it away from them.

To check if they MAY be practicing what the book preaches, check our side bar for the common traits.

Monday, July 28, 2008

who do you wanna be?

my dear men,

it has come to our attention that nowadays, you are allowed to throw fits and to have extra sensitive feelings and emotions that we cannot 'hurt'. we are also now aware that you expect us to pick up on the slightest change of mood, tone of voice, random sighs and unusual looks of discomfort by looking into your eyes.

but here's the deal. if you wanna be the newage hyper-sensitive guy, be prepared to lose the old cliche excuses that guys love so much. excuses such as 'men don't notice those things' and 'men dont understand why women do/think/say things like that' so on and so forth just wont work anymore.

the logic -

if you wanna show traits of being so in touch with your emotions, you've lost the privilege of being the ignorant men.

if you can be sensitive enough to notice and be so adamant about your 'hurts' that we've caused, and have the balls to be verbal to us about it, its only normal that we'd expect you to be sensitive enough to notice ours.

so pick a side, or be welcomed to our world and everything that comes with it.