Are guys in general bipolar?
Its either they’ll care for you too much and become over protective until you feel you have no space to breathe or they just don’t give a F that you’re alive?
Excuse me, I’m ranting.
Do they just not have a reason to be better?
Good guys will attract girls who like consistency; Bad boys will attract girls who love a challenge. However they ARE, girls will still fall for them. I once read somewhere that, “the only problem with men is that they have none.” Do we honestly believe that? As much as I hate that statement I can’t help but think that it’s true because isn’t loving each others flaws the few main key points of a relationship? And honestly, that’s the way it is, isn’t it? We, females tolerate the male. With the excuse or thought in mind that that’s how it’s suppose to be! Their foolishness is what makes us love them more.
Here’s something for you to ponder.
REALLY? In this day and age, really?
Well I guess you can say when you first start falling for that person, the silly things they do really do make you like them even more but honestly when you think about that, isn’t that just plain denial? Doesn’t that translate to: I doubt I can get a better guy with less flaws, I’ll just stick to this one and hope I’ll get use to the idiotic things he does.
I’m sorry if I’m making love seem like a bunch of crap. Its not that I think the whole idea of “love” is ridiculous. (I’m not saying I’m not saying that either) but can you honestly tell me that in this day and age, the fundamentals of a relationship are still being built on the basic things? Everybody wants to gain something from someone; it’s all self interest/inflicted.
Why do people break up?
Do they get sick of each other, do they realize their not right for each other, do they break up because they aren’t getting what they want out of a relationship? Do me a favor, make this your assignment, ask friends around you what the reasons their last breakup occurred are. I can bet my life, that it has something to do with infidelity or someone was being an idiot. Then ask them, how did it start? What was their relationship based on? I can assure you more than 60% of them are because on physical. Why? Because relationships where two partners can share details about their lives and be connected at a very high emotional and spiritual level will NOT breakup for ridiculous reasons! This is often why people don’t stay friends with their exes which make it something unacceptable when exes remain good friends. (Which I can tell you is BS because there is no reason why exes can’t remain good friends)
How often do people experience great love stories in their lives?
The purity of it all has vanished and is never coming back, just like high top jeans.
What’s contradicting?
When I say most people stick it out even when their partner’s attitude frustrates them to their limit and then I say that people are only interested in their own best interest because obviously having to endure someone’s BS attitude is NOT caring for their best interest.
I leave you with one word,